For context, me wesker and Trig play ark: survival evolved.
Wesker: Gonna work on some autocannons soon
Me: be careful of that, foundations and such can disrupt node respawning nodes.
Wesker: Only using pillars, ceilings and ladders
Trig: C-can ceilings be used as floors?
Owlet: YES!
Me: yea
Trigger: Yuh?! Thats not..Thats not architecting
Me: and if you have a raft with foundations on them, you can put thatch ceilings on them, and then build foundations underneath the ceiling parts.
owlet: *Dies of suffocation*
Trigger: Was a house scientist even consulted when this game was made
Me: Then you can put foundations under the roof parts and baleet them. Expand raft infinitely.
Trig: What D:<<<< Like, A huge fucking mobile water platform?
Me: bingo
Trigger: We could deny total access to all water, Kill everyone of dehydration!
Me: rain
Trig: D:< Does rain fill the water meter? I never noticed
Me: It does you can fill up your water containers during rain and fruit gives you hydration too
Trig: lolololol I would have been so mad if I ever died of dehydration in the rain
Trig: So far Ive died about 10 times. 5 times to the same fucking raptor as I tried to reclaim my items. Then another 4 times to a Saber who camped at our base. And one time to a pack of dildos
Me: xD
Triggee: dilos*
Me: XD!
(((Dilos are small pack-oriented carnivores)))