Welp, I found the perfect game for peng. If ya'll follow the game news, you'll know the Metal game, Brutal Legends, is coming out in october. I just tried out the demo, and I am actually very impressed with it. Jack Black actually takes the role seriously, not doing any goofy jokes and his usual sh*t. The game itself has a good humour about it, pop ups coming in asking me if I want to the se awsome violence, or if I want the curse words bleeped.
Now, on to the game play. It played like your usual fighter game, one button for axe, one for magic guitar, add in combos. I did accedentaly hit x for guitar alot, since that is usually your melee, but overall the game is smooth, looks cool, and has some great music. Heavy Metal music, if you didnt know, with alot of famous names and bands tied with it. I give it a falaffel out of a Klondike bar.